Northwest Pacific Trip 1/15/2020
I have been back from Bali since November 5th 2019, made one or two blog entries and got out of writing habit as I settled back in to Tucson routines and holiday madness which really wasn’t because missus and I were determined to keep it enjoyable low Key - mission accomplished, duties of a householder, reconnecting with friends and family and all things domestic which includes crazy wacko politics. There, I spoke the P word - don’t get me started, so I won’t, but no guarantees! Two and a half months of homebodyness was maybe not a record, who’s counting, but here I sit at 36,000 ft. on an Alaska Airlines flight to Seattle as if time at home was but a dreamscape illusion already. A lifetime of travel familiarity and routines is already propelling me across time and space, in knots not light speed, yet again, but towards a winter storms landscape that Washitonians are wishing to flee towards where I am coming from and certainly very different from Bali. I am already flying ...